Theater Thoughts NY

Friday, February 02, 2007

Edward Scissorhands - The Musical

So I saw this show in Philadelphia a few weeks ago. Apparently it's a transport from London and played at the big Broadway style theater in Philadelphia. The show is obviously based on the movie, but it's entirely a dance musical with no dialogue or songs, choreographed and directed by Matthew Bourne who did "Play Without Words." I thought this was pretty obvious from the play description, but apparently not to the bulk of Philadelphia audiences who would say things like "I sure hope they talk soon" about every 10 minutes.

Even though I hadn't seen the movie in a long time, the musical was very easy to follow and worked surprisingly well without any dialogue. In fact, it's hard to imagine seeing it with dialogue. It was definitely a play that built on the images and colors that are so prominent in the film (which I'm watching right now), so it was definitely a spectacle with regards to sets and dancing. It was a little underwhelming though, as I expected the dancing to be significantly more wow and the sets to be a bit more whoa. But it was still pretty nice.

So it was a nice night at the theater, although nothing to really write home about. I think the scenes from the website are a bit more exciting than they are live, but it was still quite pretty and fun. It did make me want to re-see the movie, which thanks to Encore and my last week of discounted cable, I'm able to do right now.


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