Theater Thoughts NY

Friday, May 19, 2006

Monday Night Lear

So this is something cool. On Monday Nights, or at least some Monday nights, the Classic Stage Company does these "working rehearsals" of Shakespeare plays. This time around was "King Lear," and we attended a couple scenes from Act III I think (sorry, we're late on posting and I become forgetful).

I'll keep this brief, but basically it was cool. Well, okay, it was mostly cool. Okay, it was cool that Richard Easton was King Lear (which was a bit different than the role we saw him in last as the old guy who gets beat up in Entertaining Mr. Sloane). It was a pretty amazing thing watching this actor read this role, not only because he's amazing, but also because he's been in some pretty amazing productions of Lear over the past 50+ years.

Okay, so it was cool, but the working rehearsal part got a little annoying every now and then, but it would probably have been much cooler if we had liked the director a bit better. It was a little sad, because the director was way out of his league with Richard Easton, and I felt a little bad. And you just didn't want the director to keep interrupting Richard Easton, because he was pretty phenomenal.

So all in all, cool concept, cool show, cool reading. Richard Easton is great.


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